Elementary, middle and high school students who are struggling academically, emotionally or socially. Public schools will provide an evaluation to determine special education eligibility free of charge. There is a 60 day timeline after you sign an assessment plan.
Families of private school children who are struggling and prefer to handle the evaluation process privately.
Students who have been assessed and parents would like a second opinion.
Parents seeking IQ testing for private school admission.
High school or college students seeking testing accommodations (SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, etc.).
Independent Evaluations (conducted when there is a disagreement between parents and school districts). See the CA Education Code section 56329b for further information.
A comprehensive evaluation will include cognitive and academic assessment, verbal and visual reasoning skills, attention, executive functioning, social, emotional and adaptive measures (as necessary). Family, health, developmental and educational history is also included. Depending on the referral concerns, the evaluation can include assessment in the following areas:
Cognitive skills (problem solving, verbal and nonverbal reasoning, etc.) –this testing does yield an IQ score
Academic skills as compared to other students in your child’s age group
Oral Language
Listening Comprehension
Reading – Decoding, reading fluency & comprehension
Math – Math calculation & problem solving skills
Writing – Grammar, spelling, and essay writing
Processing speed
Processing abilities
Visual processing
Auditory & phonological processing
Sensory motor skills – fine motor & visual motor integration skills
Memory abilities – Long term, short term, auditory, visual/spatial, episodic, procedural, sequential and working memory.
Attention (ADHD)
Executive Functioning
Social, emotional and behavioral skills
Adaptive Skills (self-help, communication, etc.)
In addition, the comprehensive evaluation report will include explanation of an educational diagnosis should data indicate there is one. Recommendations for accommodations and supports across environments will be provided.
Step 1: Intake meeting with Tara Eddy. Tara will put together an individualized evaluation proposal based on your child's needs.
Step 2: Rating scales, interviews and observations. You know your child best. Parents need to fill out questionnaires and rating scales about your child's history, academic progress, social, emotional and behavioral strengths and weaknesses. Parents will also be asked to bring in school history, report cards and other relevant documents.
Step 3: Your child will be observed in the school setting (if appropriate, this typically takes place for 45-60 minutes).
Step 4: Testing begins. For a full, comprehensive evaluation, your child will typically be tested in 4 sessions that range in length from 3-4 hours. Smaller evaluations will typically be completed within 2 testing sessions. For example, gifted testing is completed in 1-2 sessions.
Step 5: Review report, diagnoses (if applicable) and recommendations with Tara Eddy.
Step 6: Meet with your child's school to share results and in school recommendations if desired. This is highly recommended.
Step 7 (optional): Consult with Tara to determine providers that might be supportive for your child and alternative school options to help your child thrive (if appropriate).